Our Services
MS Community Nurse:
- Our Nurse provides education, support, and advocacy to enable people with MS and their whānau to live well with Multiple Sclerosis and allied conditions.
- Assessments can be completed in your home, workplace, our office, or wherever suits you best.
- Our Nurse can refer you to appropriate health and community agencies and supports.
Support Groups:
- See Support Groups tab
Events and Seminars:
- Our MS Community Nurse organises events and seminars to support people with MS in developing better knowledge and self-empowerment.
If you would like to get in touch about these learning opportunities, please contact Julie at 027 733 0304 or julie@mshawkesbay.org.nz.
Fundraising and Collections:
- Our Office Manager coordinates fundraising events and collections throughout the year
If you would like to donate your time or participate in our efforts to continually fund these vital programs, please contact Sarah at 021 991 987 or sarah@mshawkesbay.org.nz.